Monday, December 8, 2008

The Heating Game...continued...

Hello Reader!!!

Today I will give you the latest updates about the heating game. So, today morning at about 9 am I woke up because it was cold, of course by then the heating must have been off for about 2 hours or so. So I grabbed another blanket and went back to sleep. Later I waked up and left the houae, leaving the heating system off, as my roommate suggested. As there was no one in the house for the whole day the heating system was off. The outside temperature was about -10 C, so by the time I came back, about 8 pm, it was freezing cold. Of course the first thing I did was to turn on the heating to maximum! After feeling cold for about one hour I had no choice but to take hot shower. So finally I felt warm, felt like I was home...

Now lets get to the cool stuff, today we are gonna look at 2 videos. The first one is about 200 people doing weird stuff in Grand Central Station in NY and the second one is about computer animation. So click here if reading from email.

Grand Central Station Freeze:

Funny Animation:

I hope you guys like these videos, cause I do! Feel free to comment!
