Friday, December 12, 2008

Exciting changes to this blog + Riga Sprats


IT IS THE WEEKEND!!!!! SO I wish you HAPPY WEEKEND! Perhaps I shouldn't bother you with my blog on the weekend. But Monday I will be back, for sure, with exciting story about the man who sold his life! Anyway, what is your plan for the weekend?

So what are the exciting news for today? Well I have found new script that allows you to comment on my blog without entering your google id. From now on all you need is to enter your email! I hope this will result in more comments :) Also if you haven't signed up yet for my updates please do so by entering your email in the box that is on the left hand side! (For all of you who have already signed up I am sorry that you guys have to read this message. It is just we only have 9 readers so far, so I want more :)

Well, I will tell you one more exciting story! Today I bought Riga sprats(шпроты). This made me very happy as it reminded me of my country! Besides I bought them at Shaw's right near to my house!!! And the price is ok, just $ 1.99 So here they are (Рижские шпроты):

If you haven't tried them, you should, they are good! Once again, have a great weekend! Stay in touch!
