Please expect to see my in my new outlook from American Eagle, I will be wearing pants and hoodie! So expect pictures! But for now to make life more fun for you here is a new song by The Rasmus called Living in the world without you! I love this song, I know, I know you might think this song is too pop but whatever I like it so don't care! Here it is:
I am really excited today, for two reasons! Firstly, I have improved my grade for one of my assignments for .7 so now I am really happy with my grade!
Secondly, I have configured my blog using feedburner, so reader exciting news, now you can subscribe to my blog and get my new posts directly to your email! Isn't that amazing, you no longer have to check periodically my blog to see new posts. Although you are welcome to do so to leave comments! So go ahead don't waste your time and subscribe!
<---Right here enter your email and click on the subscribe button. You will receive an email from feedburner and you will have to click on the link to activate it and you will be all set!! This is great news!!!! I spent about one hour configuring and researching this stuff, so you better sign up! Attention, who will be the first one to sign up?? It is a race so hurry up!!!! Ha ha!
As always feel free to comment and don't forget to subscribe to receive my updates!
Take Care,