Monday, December 15, 2008

Falling asleep in class? Blame biology


I just read a CNN article that claims that high school students feel sleepy in classes because they don't sleep enough. The research was conducted by the University of Kentucky in Lexington and they have some "amazing" findings. Here is a quote:

"Research conducted at the University of Kentucky in Lexington found that when Fayette County high schools delayed their start time by an hour, the percentage of students getting at least eight hours of sleep per night jumped from 35.7 to 50 percent.The study, published Monday in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, surveyed 10,000 students in the Kentucky county before and after their schools changed the start time from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m."

Now, Excuse me how many researchers and people with PhD degrees does it take to figure out that by changing start time from 7.30 to 8.30 more people will be able to sleep more???? Duh, they made a "research"... Now , I bet if you make the starting time at 11, the percentage of people who are able to sleep at least for 8 hours will increase even more.

I hope researchers can also answer my question. Whenever I play with my computer throughout the day(sometimes I even stay up till 4 am) I hardly feel sleepy, but when I go to classes I honestly feel sooo sleepy like I haven't slept at least for a day. So whom can I blame for feeling so sleepy in classes? My classes are from 5 p.m. to 7.20 p.m. Can I blame biology also?

So, what is my conclusion? World is full of bullshit. Here is one more example, whenever I email my papers to certain professors they claim that they have never received the email or they just forget... Are you serious??? Email is a very reliable technology, if you didn't get the message that your email bounced then you can be 99% sure that it was delivered.

I'll keep you posted, stay in touch!


P.S. I cant believe no one commented on the previous post - an awesome story about Ian Usher! If you haven't read it check it out, it is AMAZING!!!!

P.P.S I know my blog is very random, but that is how I like it! LOL!