Monday, December 22, 2008

Back to Charlotte

Hi Reader!!!!

I didn't post for couple days, so I hope you missed me.... Well anyway, I did miss you :) So I am in Charlotte for the next couple weeks. As I was falling asleep last night, some deja vu thoughts came across my mind. The previous time I was here, was about 2 years ago or in Fall 2006 to be more precise. I remember, I was dreaming about getting my MSIT degree from Bentley and I thought that would never happen. Well I have good news!!!! I just got the grade for my last class, so I officially passed! SO DREAMS COME TRUE :)))

Well, I never thought that I would get degree from Bentley or that I would come to USA again and stay for so long, or that my Mom would die in 2007. All of that simply seemed impossible to me, but now it all has happend. So now I have to take on more challanges, like looking for a job. But, what I keep wondering about is where will my life take me next??? Which country will I be in after one year? What job will I have? Or more simple one, will I have an iPhone, lol???? Or even do I need an iPhone?

Stay in touch! :))))))
