Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I found a new game!! Try it out, pretty cool, click on the rules button to find out how to play! Njoy!

By the way, Happy New Year!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Similarities & Differences

Hi Reader!

Believe it or not but eating chocolate can be educational! Below you can see the message :
"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences"
I think it is a great quote! We all feel warm about people who are similar to us:
  • being in the USA, we feel happy when we meet people who are from the same country or speak the same language
  • when we meet people who are the same major as we are
  • we feel happy with people who share the same interests like sports, gaming or reading, etc.
  • the list can go on and on...
However, so far I haven't been able to leverage the differences. I just disagree, feel it is weird or even worth - fight. How do you handle differences or similarities ? Tell me!

I'll keep you posted!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas :)

Hi Reader!!!

Christmas is here, so I wish you happiness, joy and whole bunch of luck, cause we all need it.
Oh by the way in Ukraine we celebrate Christmas on the night of 6th to 7th of January! Well, let us all be happy and enjoy this day. Merry Christmas! Here is the card, don't forget, you have to periodically click it , to keep it going! Take Care,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another Fun Day


My days now are so cool, it makes no difference whether it is weekend or no! Just wake up and play with my niece and eat or go buy some stuff! Today I bought jeans, tracksuit, jacket and a shirt!!! Ha ha! Such a joyful day! My niece is enjoying talking to my girlfriend on Skype, sometimes she comes and says: "Where is Mariana? Let's talk to her".

I am planning to make pictures with my new cloth and post them so look forward to them !

Take Care,


Monday, December 22, 2008

Back to Charlotte

Hi Reader!!!!

I didn't post for couple days, so I hope you missed me.... Well anyway, I did miss you :) So I am in Charlotte for the next couple weeks. As I was falling asleep last night, some deja vu thoughts came across my mind. The previous time I was here, was about 2 years ago or in Fall 2006 to be more precise. I remember, I was dreaming about getting my MSIT degree from Bentley and I thought that would never happen. Well I have good news!!!! I just got the grade for my last class, so I officially passed! SO DREAMS COME TRUE :)))

Well, I never thought that I would get degree from Bentley or that I would come to USA again and stay for so long, or that my Mom would die in 2007. All of that simply seemed impossible to me, but now it all has happend. So now I have to take on more challanges, like looking for a job. But, what I keep wondering about is where will my life take me next??? Which country will I be in after one year? What job will I have? Or more simple one, will I have an iPhone, lol???? Or even do I need an iPhone?

Stay in touch! :))))))


Friday, December 19, 2008

The Bolt Bus

Hello Reader!

Today I am going to tell you about new bus service in the USA. So, what makes this bus different?

  • "More legroom - we’ve taken a standard coach configuration and removed seats. This adds about three extra inches of legroom per seat
  • Internet - our buses are equipped with wi-fi hot spots. This technology is new and there are spots on the trip that the service may be unavailable. We also do not advise downloading large files as the speed will be relatively slow. The wi-fi service is free of charge… enjoy.
  • Power plugs ins - Located throughout the coach are standard 110 volt plug ins. To make the trip more enjoyable plug in your laptops, Ipods and portable DVD players and enjoy yourself.
  • Standard amenities - restroom, air-conditioned, panoramic views, the normal coach accoutrements"
Next time when I am going to New York, I am sooo taking this bus! Think for yourself : extra leg room, plug ins and internet!!! WOW!!!! Sooo cool!!!!!
To find more info about the bus,
click here.

Take Care,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Trip tp Charlotte, North Carolina


Great News!!! I am heading to see my relatives in Charlotte, NC for couple of weeks! Also I got one of the grades for my classes and it is 3.7 (for those of you who are not familiar with US grading system, maximum is 4.0), so I am happy! Now I am just one class away from GRADUATION!!!! So happy!!!!

So what's your plan for Christmas/ New Year???

I'll keep you posted!!!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What is the most watched video on youtube?

Welcome back!

First of all let's thank Internet for letting us share this conversation...

Today we are going to see the most watched youtube video in the world... What is it?? I bet you can never guess. Just try guessing by leaving your comments first and then watching the video. Here are some hints, this video has over 110, 000 000 views and it was produced in the USA. The embedding is disabled for this video, so click here to see it.

The presentation during my last class went really well, so I am looking forward to getting grades. Once that will happen, I will officially graduate from Bentley University!!!! YaY! I plan to have a small break between now and New Year, and I plan to stay home and do nothing. So if you want to invite me somewhere, feel free to do so! Oh I should put my effort into getting a driver's license and someone had agreed to help me in doing so!

Stay in touch,


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Last Class at Bentley University

Hi, Reader!

Today I told my roommate that mouse and rat are two different animals, he was really surprised and got excited about it. If you want more info on this topic click here.

So, tomorrow is my last class at Bentley and it is very symbolic that President of Bentley - Gloria Larson will be there. We have a final presentation about our analysis of the information privacy practices of Boston Urban College. As Bentley's President is a privacy lawyer, she was invited by our teacher to our presentation.

Hopefully I will do a great job tomorrow and finally I will be able to graduate :) Well it is past midnight, I better sleep, cause tomorrow is kind of a big day :)

I'll keep you posted!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Falling asleep in class? Blame biology


I just read a CNN article that claims that high school students feel sleepy in classes because they don't sleep enough. The research was conducted by the University of Kentucky in Lexington and they have some "amazing" findings. Here is a quote:

"Research conducted at the University of Kentucky in Lexington found that when Fayette County high schools delayed their start time by an hour, the percentage of students getting at least eight hours of sleep per night jumped from 35.7 to 50 percent.The study, published Monday in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, surveyed 10,000 students in the Kentucky county before and after their schools changed the start time from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m."

Now, Excuse me how many researchers and people with PhD degrees does it take to figure out that by changing start time from 7.30 to 8.30 more people will be able to sleep more???? Duh, they made a "research"... Now , I bet if you make the starting time at 11, the percentage of people who are able to sleep at least for 8 hours will increase even more.

I hope researchers can also answer my question. Whenever I play with my computer throughout the day(sometimes I even stay up till 4 am) I hardly feel sleepy, but when I go to classes I honestly feel sooo sleepy like I haven't slept at least for a day. So whom can I blame for feeling so sleepy in classes? My classes are from 5 p.m. to 7.20 p.m. Can I blame biology also?

So, what is my conclusion? World is full of bullshit. Here is one more example, whenever I email my papers to certain professors they claim that they have never received the email or they just forget... Are you serious??? Email is a very reliable technology, if you didn't get the message that your email bounced then you can be 99% sure that it was delivered.

I'll keep you posted, stay in touch!


P.S. I cant believe no one commented on the previous post - an awesome story about Ian Usher! If you haven't read it check it out, it is AMAZING!!!!

P.P.S I know my blog is very random, but that is how I like it! LOL!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sell your life on Ebay -> Fulfill your Dreams

Hey Reader!

I am glad to have you back! As I promised today we will talk about a guy who sold his life on ebay. So in June 2008, an Australian immigrant Ian Usher sold all of his possessions: house, everything in the house, car, jet ski, trial period on his job and an introduction to his friends. After the break up with his wife Ian was very sad and he decided to change things! Ian said that after the sale is done he will walk out with wallet in one hand and passport in another hand. His life was sold for $384,000. After that Ian has 100 goals that he wants to complete in 100 weeks. And his goals are just his dreams! Isn't that amazing, you get to complete your dreams for the whole 2 years?!!!! All I wanna say is "WOW, Bravo Ian". I wish I could take at least a year and do something random!

If you want to know more info about Ian, here:
If had money this is what I would like to do:
  1. Visit Niagra Falls
  2. Drive on US Route 1, it is a beatufil view in California along the ocean.
  3. Drive from LA to Boston
  4. Live with a native American tribe for 3 month
  5. Teach English in China or Japan for 6 month
So what would you like to do, if you had money and time?

P.S. We have 2 new subscribers: D and O. So welcome :) As always feel free to invite more people!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Exciting changes to this blog + Riga Sprats


IT IS THE WEEKEND!!!!! SO I wish you HAPPY WEEKEND! Perhaps I shouldn't bother you with my blog on the weekend. But Monday I will be back, for sure, with exciting story about the man who sold his life! Anyway, what is your plan for the weekend?

So what are the exciting news for today? Well I have found new script that allows you to comment on my blog without entering your google id. From now on all you need is to enter your email! I hope this will result in more comments :) Also if you haven't signed up yet for my updates please do so by entering your email in the box that is on the left hand side! (For all of you who have already signed up I am sorry that you guys have to read this message. It is just we only have 9 readers so far, so I want more :)

Well, I will tell you one more exciting story! Today I bought Riga sprats(шпроты). This made me very happy as it reminded me of my country! Besides I bought them at Shaw's right near to my house!!! And the price is ok, just $ 1.99 So here they are (Рижские шпроты):

If you haven't tried them, you should, they are good! Once again, have a great weekend! Stay in touch!


USPS Insurance Hassle


Today we are going to talk about United States Postal Services(USPS)! So let's say you have decided to mail a package with USPS and lets say the package has something that is really valuable. Well in that case you need to buy insurance. Why would you ask? Well apparently USPS is not responsible for any loss or damage if you don't get insurance. Now how is this even possible in the USA? So basically if I don't get insurance I am paying someone money to potentially lose my package? Comes to mind the following quote from Everyday Regular Normal Guy 2 (youtube it if you are interested):

She really hurt me,
She called me stupid face,
How is that even possible?
A person can be stupid ,
But a face, that's impossible!

Now let's get back to USPS. So you have decided to get an insurance for your package. For a small fee you can get pretty good coverage. But hold on, don't be so happy! If your package will be lost you have to present bill of purchase, proving the value of lost item. Now what about that tea that I bought in China? Or what about something personal, like it is not worth a lot of money but is very precious to you? Should one just lie and insure for a higher value and present a bill of purchase for something else, which was purchased earlier? Or just hope it will not get lost and insure for a small value, or don't insure at all? Well I'll let you decide on these issues.

Take Care,


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is an inflatable package?

Hi Reader!

This is my first video post ever! Enjoy!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It all crashed...

Hi Reader!

What a weird day today!

First of all, my Chrome (the new internet browser by Google) had stopped working. It can no longer display any page, it says page is not available. As an IT person I tried to troubleshoot and followed Google's advice on it, but failed.

Secondly, my QIP (a client based on ICQ) had also stopped working. The thing is, ICQ has changed their protocol and I guess QIP couldn't keep up. However they did release a new version of QIP, which I tried but still failed. Later on, I installed ICQ 6.5 but it doesn't work as well. So I guess updating the protocol was to much even for ICQ. Ha ha.

Lastly, I was playing with my Firefox and disabled navigation bar, so I couldnt get access to browser's menu. What a hassle, out of 3 browsers that I have two became useless on the same day. However, thanks to IE I was able to get the navigation bar back, so Mozilla is now up and running!

Finally, why do things have to crash on the same day! I noticed this kind of stuff happens within a small period of time and then it will not happen at all for a while. It is like if you are waiting for an email and it doesnt come within one week then next week there will be two emails that are of equal importance on the same day. Or if your blog didn't have any visitors for 10 hours , you might get 4 visitors in the next hour! This whole thing is sooo weird! Does this happen to you 2?

Let me know,


Monday, December 8, 2008

The Heating Game...continued...

Hello Reader!!!

Today I will give you the latest updates about the heating game. So, today morning at about 9 am I woke up because it was cold, of course by then the heating must have been off for about 2 hours or so. So I grabbed another blanket and went back to sleep. Later I waked up and left the houae, leaving the heating system off, as my roommate suggested. As there was no one in the house for the whole day the heating system was off. The outside temperature was about -10 C, so by the time I came back, about 8 pm, it was freezing cold. Of course the first thing I did was to turn on the heating to maximum! After feeling cold for about one hour I had no choice but to take hot shower. So finally I felt warm, felt like I was home...

Now lets get to the cool stuff, today we are gonna look at 2 videos. The first one is about 200 people doing weird stuff in Grand Central Station in NY and the second one is about computer animation. So click here if reading from email.

Grand Central Station Freeze:

Funny Animation:

I hope you guys like these videos, cause I do! Feel free to comment!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cooking Chinese Food


2day I cooked (with help from my roommate) my first Chinese meal. Well it was not all that Chinese, the thing is I only had onions and chicken and these two don't make a Chinese meal! But I cooked it in Chinese style! I have to admit it does taste different. What I want to learn is how to cook fried rice. That stuff is sooo good I always get it in the Chinese restaurant, but it is really different from restaurant to restaurant and it sucks sometimes. So the first steps toward Chinese cuisine were taken lets see how it will go! Well since it is Sunday I won't hold you here for much longer! Have a nice Monday, although I know that Mondays suck sometimes, hahahah


Friday, December 5, 2008

Childhood Memories...

Hello Reader!

Today I want to talk a little bit about my childhood memories. Since the weekend is coming up, I am not gonna make you read a big post. So what I do,  is before I go to bed I put my blanket on the heating system, so that it would get warm. I remember (or at least I remember my mother telling me) how she used to put my cloth on the heater so that it would be warm when I wear it! It is an awesome feeling, especially socks, like seriously, when you were them HOT right of the heating system your feet feels so good! I just love this feeling. Try it out.

Happy weekend!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finally... New Appearence

Hi Reader!!!

I am very happy to let you know that lately this blog had a lot of comments, so I am excited. You guys actually do read my stuff, so it is cool! Ha ha ha! Let's get to the point. Here is the new promised outlook:

The total price for both items is 44.58, which is very decent I believe. Both items feel really soft and fit me well, although I bought them online.Now let's get into more philosophical part. Today I asked to people whether they want to see what I bought. They just said : "NO." That is so mean I believe. However, I am not offended, it is just weird. If someone asks me :do you want to see what I bought? I would definitely say yes. Why? First of all I am interested, I am curious to know what people buy and especially curious about good deals. Secondly, even if I don't want to know what he or she bought, I would still say yes, cause if someone wants to show me something then I will look. I believe there is no harm, is there? So today's question for discussion is: What would you say or do if your classmate offers you to see what he or she just bought? 

Let me know. As always I'll keep you posted!


P.S. Don't  forget to comment on my new outlook :P

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Living with roommates

Hi Reader!

Today we are gonna explore the topic of living with roommates. Well living with roommates can be fun, but it can also be boring and annoying. Like seriously, after I came back from China my cup and my plate were gone. I asked everyone, they all the said: "I didn't take it". So who took it, I was in China so I couldn't have possibly done it myself... The cup was really precious to me, since it was my and my Mom's favorite cup. Oh well, gotta move on...So guess what, after one month my teaspoon was missing.... What's worth is that couple days later my big spoon went also missing.. No seriously, how can that even be possible, who would want them??? When your stuff suddenly disappears it is real pain to get new stuff, not to mention the fact that most of my stuff came from Ukraine with me and I was kind of emotionally attached to them.

Now on the good side, my ex roommate gave me a new cup :)

Also, I used to have a plastic cup that I kept sugar in, but, as always, one day (about a week ago) it was gone missing. Why??? Do you have any reasonable explanation? I don't, feel free to comment....

Since I don't know how to get my stuff back, this post is official search mechanism for my missing stuff. Lets start with a spoon. Here is the picture (as always if reading this post from email click here):

As always I'll keep you posted, stay in touch,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How do you chat?


Great news, the subscription link actually works, so go ahead put in your email and subscribe!!!! So what is up with me today? Nothing really, another good day. Our today's topic is gonna be differences in chatting styles, we are gonna look into Indian , Chinese, American and
 Ukrainian/Russian chatting styles. For the reasons that not everyone can read in Russian we will only describe differences in chatting while using English language. So let's begin(поехали, kai shi ba).
  1. Indian: "Hw z d nw garl?" Now what one Earth is that supposed to mean? haha it stands for "How is the new girl?" Quite confusing I guess.
  2. Chinese: "==" or "88". Stands for please wait and bye bye respectively. How would you ask? Well apparently phonetically the == and 88 sounds the same as English words for wait and bye.
  3. American: Sup, newb? C ya l8r or Gr8! Alright what is that you might ask. First is whats up newbee? Then  see you later, followed be great! Hm
  4. Russian/Ukrainian: Lets look into my id - rromo4ka. Does this make sense to you? Well it does to me. The thing is the number 4 sounds like "chetire" in Russian, so we use 4 to represent the first sound of chetire that is the ch sound. Additionally if you want to make your name more sweet you add 4ka ending. So since my name is Roma, I wanted to register for romo4ka, but it was taken so I got rromo4ka. This way I can use the Rrrrrrr sound a lot! I love it by the way!!! haha
And now the promised new outlook, that you are all expecting (if you are reading this in the inbox you probably can't see the picture so head to my blog):

Well it is not quite the outlook yet, but you can see it is coming to MA soon , so this means I should get it soon too. So get ready it will be awesome (I hope so!). Well today's post was quite long, so I hope you got something out of it. 

I'll keep you posted, Take Care,


Monday, December 1, 2008

Another Happy Day

Reader Hi!!!

Please expect to see my in my new outlook from American Eagle, I will be wearing pants and hoodie! So expect pictures! But for now to make life more fun for you here is a new song by The Rasmus called Living in the world without you! I love this song, I know, I know you might think this song is too pop but whatever I like it so don't care! Here it is:

I am really excited today, for two reasons! Firstly, I have improved my grade for one of my assignments for .7 so now I am really happy with my grade!

Secondly, I have configured my blog using feedburner, so reader exciting news, now you can subscribe to my blog and get my new posts directly to your email! Isn't that amazing, you no longer have to check periodically my blog to see new posts. Although you are welcome to do so to leave comments! So go ahead don't waste your time and subscribe!
<---Right here enter your email and click on the subscribe button. You will receive an email from feedburner and you will have to click on the link to activate it and you will be all set!! This is great news!!!! I spent about one hour configuring and researching this stuff, so you  better sign up! Attention, who will be the first one to sign up?? It is a race so hurry up!!!! Ha ha!

As always feel free to comment and don't forget to subscribe to receive my updates! 

Take Care,
