Monday, November 24, 2008

The turning points


I am back! I bet you missed me! So today I am happy to report a major accomplishment - Rae is the first person who I have forced to become a follower of my blog! So now you can be in the top 10 or even the second one. So hurry up, click on the FOLLOW button.

Now the second turning point (я бы даже сказал переломный момент). Thanks to Jasmin I purchased a Bentley Goes Red tshirt. This campaign helps fight AIDS in Africa. But guess what, for the first time in my life I had to buy a large size, usually I buy medium. Did I really become so huge? I donno, here check it out: 
My shoulder, why is it so big here?? I guess it is just the picture. By the way I am wearing my new tshirt you can see the Africa, and the small AIDS sign. So, hopefully my donation made a difference, by that I could also help that I made a difference. Well at least a tiny one. However I have to admit that the primary reason I bought this t-shirt is because I wanted some Bentley cloth. Bad bad boy! Anyway it is 2 minutes before midnight, so gotta sleep soon.

Take Care Reader

Zai Jian