Sunday, November 30, 2008

Along came winter...

Hello Reader!

Sorry, I didn't post for couple days, as I mentioned in my previous post I was not home.  So tomorrow is December 1, so please welcome winter. It is a beautiful time of the year, cause you can ski and play with snow. But for some reason most of the girls don't like winter, they say: "Oh, I have to wear a lot". Whatever, I think winter is cool and awesome , everything is white and beautiful (piaoliang).

Now lets get to the fun part. US has this awesome day called "Black Friday". It is always the Friday after Thanksgiving. It is famous for awesome deals and huge lines. The term Black Friday originated in Philadelphia to represent the heavy traffic. However, most recent use of this term represents the turning point for retailers, the point where they start making money. On this day most of the stores are open at 5 am on this day, while the outlets are open from midnight. This year, I have personally experienced this US tradition. Me and my friend wake  up at 2.30 am and drove to Circuit City, a major electronics retailer, which by the way has filed for bankruptcy not so long time ago. So we got to the store at 3 am, and hang out there until 5 am. Hey it was fun, we got coffee and bagel for Dunkin Donuts. I only regret that we 
didn't take camera. Oh well, I guess we are gonna have to do it again next Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving I bought this awesome mp3/mp4 Sony player . All I paid was 79.99 that's an awesome deal for an 8Gb player and that is about 40$ less than the amazon price for it. On top of this, no sales tax was paid as we were shopping in NH.

Now let's go back to "Black Friday". Here is a funny thing that I found, Friday from Robinson Crusoe in depicted as a person of color in some movies. So isn't he, the true "Black Friday"?. Here see for yourself (the following picture is take from here):

What do you think? I personally find this coincidence very funny, even hilarious. Ha ha!  Feel free to comment.



Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Black Friday tips

Hello Reader!

I am in Lawrence, MA, staying over at my friends place! Well I wanted to tell you reader Black Friday is coming so here is some useful (if you are in the USA) info:
  1. Check out blackfriday.ifno you can find cool deals.
  2. Tomorrow, Thursday the 27th Visit American Eagle, great store @ and enter code 47596384 . You will get 25% of holiday collection and  free shipping.
  3. Apple store online will have their sale on Friday the 28th. But I don't expect much of them.
So I hope my advice has been useful for you! And as always please promote my blog!!! Gotta go,

C ya!


P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thank you all for reading my blog and supporting me! Special thanks to my followers the morning Sun and Rae! You guys rock! :P 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Madagascar Penguins

Hello Reader!

Today, I would like to share with you an awesome cartoon. I know, know, you probalby think that I am too old to watch cartoons, but whatever, I just love them. This cartoon is about penguines from the Madagascar movie.  This is a Christmas cartoon, I know Chirstamas is not here yet but Thanksgiving is almost here, so I thought it would be a nice occasion to share it with you. The cartoon takes only 10 minutes, so without further words, here it comes. Enjoy:
Feel free to comment on what you have liked the best about this cartoon. Below are my comments...

Good luck!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The turning points


I am back! I bet you missed me! So today I am happy to report a major accomplishment - Rae is the first person who I have forced to become a follower of my blog! So now you can be in the top 10 or even the second one. So hurry up, click on the FOLLOW button.

Now the second turning point (я бы даже сказал переломный момент). Thanks to Jasmin I purchased a Bentley Goes Red tshirt. This campaign helps fight AIDS in Africa. But guess what, for the first time in my life I had to buy a large size, usually I buy medium. Did I really become so huge? I donno, here check it out: 
My shoulder, why is it so big here?? I guess it is just the picture. By the way I am wearing my new tshirt you can see the Africa, and the small AIDS sign. So, hopefully my donation made a difference, by that I could also help that I made a difference. Well at least a tiny one. However I have to admit that the primary reason I bought this t-shirt is because I wanted some Bentley cloth. Bad bad boy! Anyway it is 2 minutes before midnight, so gotta sleep soon.

Take Care Reader

Zai Jian


Reader Hello!!!!

Now that we have accomplished some comments, we have a new objective. Be the first one to follow my blog! Click on the FOLLOW button on the left hand side and sign up with your Google id.

So you are probably wondering what on earth is WG&HG?? Well it stands for Window Game and Heating Game. So, kai shi ba (let's begin, поехали).

The WG.
It is a classic game that we all play in our lives. Originally the main particiapants of this game were me and the Always Positive Guy, here and after APG (он же пройдоха), while Glamour is the creator of the game. So the game is very simple the bad girl (Glamour) attepmts to always keep the window open, even though  it is winter, which means -20C( -4 F). So Glamour was winning most of the time by opening the window and freezing me and the APG. But once we had a historic moment... Glamour fell asleep without opening the window (the reasons for doing so are not clear, but you can guess). So the next morning it was warm, and for once me and the APG were happy.

The HG.  
This game is far less sophisticated and includes only two participants: me and the Seaguy. The Seaguy attempts to reduce or even turn off the heating, while I am doing my best to max it and make the room warm.

So why am I even mentioning all of this??? It is very simple, if Glamour and the Seaguy were ever to live together, they would definetly have a great life. Think for yourself, you turn off the heating and open the window!!!! Woudln't that be awesome (hao ji le) ? Not really. Not for me.

Take Care,


P.S. All the particiapnts are welcome to comment, as well as all the readers. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are you going to be the first person ever to comment?

Dear Reader,

I am happy to report that yesterday we had 2 viewers: one from California and one from Massachusetts. But reader we still dont have any comments, so go ahead take the sofa spot and be the first one to comment on my new blog!!! 

Anyway I just woke up and about to have my regular breakfast - toast and tea. So there is not much exciting things to say, so I guess I will be ending this post! 

I look forward to comments :p


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday/ Суббота/ Xinqi liu

Hey Reader!!!

Welcome!!! Today was a pretty cool day for me, basically I did nothing, I mean nothing that was very useful! In fact I planned to study but then I got kind of lazy! In the afternoon I played a bit of soccer, which ended up kind of tragically... 

However, earlier in the day I fried some tudou (картошка). I know, you would say, whats the big deal about fried potatoes? But here is why it is important:
  • fried potatoes are really good, like one of my favorite meals ;
  • fried potatoes take long time to cook, so when you make them it is special.
So after soccer I was taking advantage of my new cell phone plan with T-Mobile. Basically I have 600 minutes + free nights (after 9pm) + free weekends for just 44.58 (including tax). So for me calling (unfortunately it is only within US & Canada) is like unlimited now! So awesome, I wish there would be more people to talk to! Ha ha! Anyway reader I look forward to comments! And feel free to promote my blog among your friends, the more readers I have the better!

Take Care,

Luo Ma

G-Speak computing

Hello Reader!!!

Welcome to my first post on my new space. Firsl of all, feel free to sign up for updates I would love to have a lot of readers! I will do my best to put some stuff in Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese so that everyone would be entartained! So to sign up for RSS feed click on the follow button on the right hand side. You can log in using you google account, so no need for registering another account, which would obviously be a pain! 

So today I want to share with you this amazing new computing technology. It is from the movie called Minority Report. By the way if you haven't watched it you should. So click here and watch the video. You won't regret, I promise!!!!

Take Care Reader,

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