Monday, November 16, 2009

Арам зам зам


Here is a funny video!!! For those of you getting an email please click here and you will be redirected to a youtube page. For others, just enjoy

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hungry? Why don't you chew a blanket?


So, I have this stupid habit of putting the blanket or the linen in my mouth and trying to kinda chew it a bit. My girlfriend noticed that, so now whenever I am hungry she says go chew a blanket!

Take Care~


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back !!!!


I am back after exactly 106 days!! YEAH!!! So what are we gonna talk about today? Well guess what? We are gonna talk about stuff!!! LOL . If you ever get bored at work I suggest you to read the Fuck My Life website! Those are true short life stories! Here is one of them :

Today, my boyfriend and I were at his house having sex. After about 30 minutes, his mom came home and was knocking on the door asking "What are you doing?" Thinking I might have a chance to sneak out, I got dressed real quiet. Then my boyfriend answers, "Zoe. I'm doing Zoe." FML

For my birthday I went to the sea, and it was cool.

And I have to admit, I am now 25, fuck fuck how quickly did this happen!!!!!

Keep you posted!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh Well

Hey Hey Hey!!!

I am back!!! Did you miss me yet? As you may have heared I got a job, so I am done with the first week! The work is kind of hectic and I have to learn accounting!  Life is so busy when you have job, there is even hardly any time for me to stay online! But I hope to stay in touch more often! 

Take Care~


Monday, May 4, 2009

Life goes on


From the recent news:

Made a flood in my home and neighbors home; My home is fine, neighbors not so much, have to pay for damage. Will negotioante with uncle tomorrow;

Went for a trip to a small city near by. KICK ASS PARTY TIME!

Started digging in the summer house! Need to plant scallions!

Keep you posted!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Big News

Hey Reader!

Finally, I got a job  :)))

I'll keep you posted,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quality time is nothing but plain bullshit

Hey Reader!

Glad to have you back! 

I still don't have a job but I guess every day I am one day closer to getting one...LOL!

Anaway, today I would like to explore a popular phrase: "Quality time". Apparently it is a very popular saying that means having some good time with your loved ones. But what surprises me is this quote from wikipedia : " The opportunity to experience quality time, or the actual time available to enjoy quality time is often limited". Now after reading this I have a big question if there is some person you love why can't you find time to be with them? I know , I know work, own life, friends.... etc.... But still people who created this quality time term, you are pissing me off! I feel they only call it quality time cause there is no other time they can spend with that person! So, the term "Quality time", Congratulations!!!! from the Life as it is... blog  you are officially recognized as:

So, I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Lost Horse Story

Hey Reader!!!

 Today I am gonna tell you an ancient Chinese story which I became aware of through my cousin Niko (Wang Han).  So here it comes:

 Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said the man.

After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune," said the man.

Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone commiserated with him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said the man.

One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. This man's son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.

So whats the deal on this one: Well we never good what is really good or bad for us, so lets just try to be happy and accept everything that we get!!!

I'll keep you posted!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dreams Come True


So, this great day finally came, I got the package I told you about in the last post. So, what was is in  it? No one commented on it, but I assume you are still interested. Here it comes:

As always, I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Secret Package!


Finally, dreams come true, guess, what I got in the mail ?


Picked up
In transit


Signed for by:
Shipment Dates

Ship date 
Mar 20, 2009

Delivery date 
Mar 23, 2009 3:50 PM



Shipment Facts
Service type
International Priority Service

1.0 lbs/0.5 kg

Delivered to
Receptionist/Front Desk


Shipment Travel History
Select time zone: 
Select time format:

All shipment travel activity is displayed in local time for the location
Mar 23, 2009 3:50 PM
Mar 23, 2009 9:39 AM
Int'l shipment release
Mar 23, 2009 9:34 AM
In transit
Package available for clearance
Mar 22, 2009 8:30 AM
Departed FedEx location
Mar 22, 2009 4:57 AM
Departed FedEx location
Mar 21, 2009 11:50 PM
Departed FedEx location
Mar 21, 2009 10:04 PM
Arrived at FedEx location
Mar 21, 2009 2:32 AM
Departed FedEx location
Mar 20, 2009 9:26 PM
Left FedEx origin facility
Mar 20, 2009 6:32 PM
Picked up
Mar 20, 2009 4:52 PM
Shipment information sent to FedEx
I'll keep you posted! Expect picture of what I got in the next post!

Luo Ma

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back from skiing

Hey Reader!

I am back from skiing in Bukovel, the place that claims to be the number one skiing resort in Ukraine. Well what can I say about that? The hills are long and with no bashes but they are not so sloppy. Also, the food is taiguile (too expensive) and not so good. By this means I officially claim Slavsko to be "The number one skiing resort in Ukraine". Now let's not waste anymore time and get right to the pictures from the trip. First some goofy pictures of my girlfriend:

Me in the woods:

Me and my girlfriend with a guy who is wearing tradiotional Western Ukraine cloth and playing a musical instrument Trembita:

And now the most fun part we met a couple from London. They were on the bus and I told my girlfriend: "Look there is a Chinese girl, lets meet her". And we did, but guess what she was born in UK, so here they come A&D:

I'll keep you posted~!~!
Luo Ma

P.S. If you want to see a bigger picture simply click on it :) Njoy!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Good news and not so good ones!

Hey Reader!

I have some good news and some not so good news. Lets start on the latter part. I had and interview and the company asked me to perform a test assignment! I did, but they don't like it. So my status is still the same - unemployed, lol! Now on the good side is the fact that I am going skiing today. Here is my plan, it is pretty crazy:
19.40 Overnight Train to Ivano-Frankivsk (West of Ukraine)
7.00 Arrival to Ivano-Frankivsk
7.30 Mini Bus to Bukovel (skiing resort)
10.00 Arrival to Bukovel
10.00- 17.00 SKIIIIIING!!!!
17.30 Leaving back to Ivano-Frankivsk
20.00 Arrival to Ivano-Frankivsk
20.30 Meet my girlfriend's grandma and stay in her house for the night
22.00 Sleep
6.00 Wake up
7.00 Bus to Bukovel
10.00 Arrival to Bukovel and skiing
17.00 Take bus back to Ivano-Frankivsk
19.30 Arrival to Ivano-Frankivsk
20.00 Overnight train back to Kiev
9.00 Back to Kiev!!!!! Continue job search!!!!

Please expect photos from the trip!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep you posted!

Luo Ma

Friday, March 6, 2009

Saving 150 Bugs!

Hey Reader!

I want to share a small story! When I was flying to Ukraine I had to take two flights, first from Boston to NY and then from NY to Kiev. So I was able to check-in two of my bags in Boston and they were successfully transferred to Kiev. So I was left with 2 carry on items, which I took with me. After I arrived to NY I went to check-in again.

Representative(R): Hello! How many baggages will you be checking in?
Me: 0.
R: You have to carry on items!
Me: Yes.
R: We only allow one bag.
Me: Ok, I will put one bag into another on. (And I did)
R: Please put it on weights!
Me: Ok.
R: You baggage is over the limit, you have to separate your bags.
Me: Ok, What should I do?
R: You should check-in one bag!
Me: Ok.

So, what happened here is that I checked in the 3rd bag without the representative knowing that I checked-in two bags before. And hey, I didn't lie, she asked , how many bags do I want to check in, I said 0. So 150 bugs saved!!! Hhahahaah!!!! Cool!
I'll keep you posted!

Luo Ma

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Epic fail

Hey Reader,

Today I went for an interview, and it was an epic fail, lol! Why? They have started asking some simple technical questions, which I forgot the answers to, since I learned them 3 years ago :( So now I am back home reviewing my materials! Wish me luck in my job hunt!!!!

I'll keep you posted!

Luo Ma

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dude, what a drag!

Hey, yo Reader!

I gotta go back to Ukraine, oh well I guess that is not so much of news... But anyway as I said earlier I am partly sad/happy to go back. The funny thing is that some of my friends envy me in a way that I am going back and I envy them in a way that they can stay. It is a trade off and no one knows which way is the right way!

Another short story is also here. While flying to NY I have a weight limit of 50 pounds per piece and some carry on options. But when flying from NY to Kiev I have a limit of 60 pounds per piece and only one carry on. Dude, what a drag!Can't all airlines establish some kind of compliance program? Although they all might have different airplanes so it might be difficult. So, I will have to repack in NY, I just hope I can make it without paying extra. Also I have so much stuff that I mailed some of it home and still everything can't fit , have to throw away some stuff. Stuff I will miss you :(((((

Well I'll keep you posted, soon I will be in Ukraine! So Wukelan Jian!(See you in Ukraine)

Take Care,

Luo Ma

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's Next?

Hey Reader!

Here is my brief traveling/life history since June 2006:

Kiev->Michigan->Kiev->California->North Carolina->Kiev->Massachusetts->Hangzhou(China) ->Massachusetts->Kiev(soon)

So what's next, any bets?

I'll keep you posted,


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anniversary Release and Big Change

Hello Reader!

I am glad to tell you that today's post #47 is an anniversary release.Why? Because starting today the number of visitors to this blog exceeds 500!!!! WOWWOWOWOWOW!!! Donno about you but wo hen gaoxing (I am very happy).

Also today, I have to announce a big change. On February 19 I will go back to Ukraine. Is this good or bad for me? Wo bu zhi dao (I don't know). Career wise (or let's say salary wise) it might not be the best move, but having no job here at all sucks even more. Part of me is happy to see my father, grandma Shura, grandpa Vasia, other relatives and the last but certainly not the least my girlfriend(who by the way does her best to ignore this blog, lol). However the other part of me is sad to leave Boston. My life has been established here, things like browsing internet, calling home on both phone and skype, hanging out with Friends, playing Fifa with W, trips and sleepover in Lawrence became important part of my life. And now I feel sad to let them go :'(

Anyway lets add more joy to this post. My roomie got PS3 so now I play a lot and by the way the girl who ignores my blog gets jealous that I play a lot. Oh, even PS3 became and integral part of my life and life without it just wont be the same. Oh well I tried to add more joy to this post but it just doesn't seem to work out.

I'll keep you posted!


P.S. This is probably the most personal post ever.
P.P.S Let's meet before I leave ?
P.P.P.S I will arrive to Ukraine on Friday, February 20 at 11.25 AM.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is Computer Male or Female ???

Reader, today we are gonna look at computers,so without further waiting here it comes:

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
- "House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa". "Pencil", however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked what gender is 'computer? Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.
The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval;
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it. The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ("el computador", because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
The women won.
(Guys, that's a joke!)

I'll keep you posted!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

How do unfriendly people get friends?


Ever wondered how do unfriendly people get friends? It just doesn't make any sense to me, they are unfriendly by definition, where do their friends come from? I donno, I just don't get it!!!! What do you think?


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Video

Yo, Reader!!!!

Whazzz up? Today I am gonna post another video. Here it is:

The idea of the video is great and well done with help of computer graphics and the song is nice and easy! So What do you think?

As always, I'll keep you posted,


Friday, January 23, 2009

Peter Nalitch - Dacha (Summer House)

Hello Reader!

Today we are gonna talk about Peter Nalitch who is a relatively new Russian singer. Initially he became famous by posting a youtube video made with an amateur camera, which has over 1,750,000 views. Today we are gonna talk about his song called Dacha (Summer house). Here is the clip and the lyrics are also below. Believe it or not part of the song is in English. So video first:

tears are running, heart is burning,
cause you are leaving for a better living,
while i`m staying---na na na na na,
i`m staying sying....

na na na....

посмотри я едва не плачу,
я хочу поехать на дачу,
признаюсь тебе в чувствах своих,
чувств этих много, много их.

look... my self.... me so gay and lucky
me so shy-aaaaa-y me fucky
one can take me to very good years
when i loved you and you loved me, yes.

пам пам парараааа
пам пам парараааа

мы с тобою никогда не растанемся
мы с тобою на даче останемся

Got interested? Here is the most famous song Gitar . Can't get enough? Get the whole album here. As always, I'll keep you posted!
